Catalogues and databases
Bach Archive's Library Catalogue
With our main catalogue you can search in the library's collection for records for books, journals, articles, sheet music, audio recordings and much more.
Bach Bibliography
The Bach Bibliography records the international scholarly Bach literature. It is the most comprehensive information tool regarding J. S. Bach, his family and his environment.
Our classification system is ideal for thematic access to one specific topic. You can select individual subjects relating the Bach family as well as musicology and music history of the 17th and 18th century. The search results will be displayed in the Bach Bibliography.
Bach Digital
The Bach Archive owns a comprehensive collection of musical sources to works of J. S. Bach and his family in the form of paper copies and microfilms. These sources are recorded in the musicological database Bach Digital.
International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
The music manuscripts of our collection are listed in the online database of the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales. Currently these datas get enriched, edited and updated.
Kalliope Union Catalog
The library stock includes several bequests of Bach scholars and Bach's successors in the Cantorship at St. Thomas (i.a. Helmut Banning, Wilhelm Rust, Karl Straube and Werner Neumann). You can search for these in the Kalliope Union Catalog.