Michael Maul and Bernhard Schrammek discuss »Bach’s Messiah«
English translation and spoken by Bernhard Weisemann
Part 1: Introduction into the project
(link to the audio)
Part 2: Promise, birth, childhood and Jesus’ baptism, calling of the disciples
(link to the audio)
Part 3: The ministry of Jesus – Sermont on the Mount, parables and miracles
(link to the audio)
Part 4: Entry into Jerusalem and Passion of Jesus
(link to the audio)
Part 5: Resurrection and Jesus’ ascencion, farewell to the disciples and pentecost
(link to the audio)
Series of talks on Bach’s Messiah I
Music as substitute for religion? Reinhard Bärenz (MDR) talks with Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert (chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung e. V. and President a. d. of the German Bundestag)
An event organized by the Bach Archive in cooperation with MDR Kultur and MDR Klassik
The talk (in German) is not open to the public.
Date of broadcast: t. b. a.
Series of talks on Bach’s Messiah II
Grit Schulze meets Bachfest artists: Ton Koopman, Ilse Eerens and Benedikt Kristjánsson
An event organized by the Bach Archive in cooperation with MDR Kultur and MDR Klassik
The talk (in German) is not open to the public.
Date of broadcast: 14.06.2021, 9.05 am (CET), MDR Klassik
Series of talks on Bach’s Messiah III
»No day without Bach«. Artistic Director Michael Maul talks with Cardinal Reinhard Marx
An event organized by the Bach Archive in cooperation with MDR Kultur and MDR Klassik
The talk (in German) is not open to the public.
Date of broadcast: t. b. a.
Bach Scholarship in Leipzig – The Research of the Bach-Archiv in Retrospect
18.06.2021, 3.30 pm (CET), zoom meeting
Researches from the Bach Archive answer all those questions about Bach that you have wanted to ask for a long time.
You are invited to send your questions beforehand to: sprechstunde@bach-leipzig.de To the zoom meeting
Meeting-ID: 932 4485 4771
Kenncode: 685536
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